Saturday, July 31, 2010

Would you mind wobbling it a bit??

As Pop would say "would you mind wobbling it a bit?"

This is a story that was told to him during one of the worst times of his life. He was living in Toronto, had no job, no money and was depressed to put it mildly. He was taken out to eat by a friend of his who proceeded to tell him a story which has gotten him (and also me) through some rough times:

Years and years ago a man went to a pub in England and drank and drank until he could do nothing else. This was in the days before air-conditioning and lo and behold there was a theatre (look at me using the English spelling) that was "air-cooled." Stumbling drunk he bought a ticket, went to the balcony and promptly fell asleep.

When he awoke he had to urinate something horrible so, whether it was because he was so drunk and didn't care or because he was so drunk and full of beer he couldn't make it to the bathroom he opened his zipped and "let her rip" (that would be Pop's terminology). As he was receiving great relief from his decreasing bladder he heard a voice from down below.

"I say old Chap, would you mind wobbling it a bit as I seem to be getting it all."

That is how I feel right now -so would y'all mind wobbling it a bit.

Pop's 90th birthday


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